Getting Engaged: 10 Tips for Planning A Surprise Proposal on a Trip

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May 1, 2024

Planning a proposal can be very scary. Because that person has a special place in your heart, it’s important to make the moment as memorable as can be. At first, it may seem like a huge task, considering that the proposal itself must be kept a secret. Planning an entire trip around this secretive moment can be complicated, especially when you see the person daily. Here are some tips to get started on a journey to a perfect proposal. 


1. Pick the Destination 

Pick a precise location where the proposal will take place. Ensure the location is perfect to create a memory to cherish forever. Think about what your partner likes and what makes them feel comfortable. Consider some fun stuff to do in the city before and after the proposal. Hellotickets helps people manage their travels across Europe and the US. Hellotickets can help with tours and activities on your travels. 

Consider selecting a spot that’s sentimental to both of you or can be meaningful someday. Perhaps you’ll be visiting a place that you both loved on a previous trip. It could be a restaurant, a famous bridge, or even a view. 

Once the list of places is ready, trim the list by factoring in things like weather, accessibility, comfortability, and cost. Go with something that won't break the bank. Remember, there’s still a wedding to plan.


2. Be Clever With Hiding the Ring

The last thing you want is to mess up the surprise, so ensure your partner doesn't even catch a hint of what you're planning. Have the ring on you and avoid putting it in your side bag or suitcase. Try your best to keep them from guessing what's happening. 

Also, having the ring in your pocket is essential because a moment might arise when you find that perfect spot. You could decide to propose then,  keeping it spontaneous. 


3. Ensure the Ring is Insured

Insuring the ring will help if a problem arises since you’ll travel with it. You could lose the ring, or it could get stolen or broken. Some good insurance policies will have you covered in case anything happens. This will give you peace of mind, especially while traveling with the precious jewelry.


4. Plan Ahead

When planning a proposal, you need to consider the following:

  • How long you’ll be staying at the destination 
  • The other activities that you will participate in while on vacation
  • How much you’re willing to spend on your trip

Ensure you research adequately and list what to do before the proposal day. Also, ensure all necessary reservations are in place.


5. Practice What You’re Going to Say When You Propose

Proposing to someone can be nerve-wracking. The last thing you want is to fumble at the last minute, so practicing your speech will ensure the perfect proposal. Reminisce on  some of your favorite memories and try them out with the proposal. Always ensure you have all the important points and to make your proposal speech memorable.


6. Understand the Culture

Understand the culture of your destination. Research and ensure all your habits and intentions are in sync with the place. For example, in some Arab countries, you aren't allowed to show public affection, so it's essential to consider all the information about your destination.

Remember to be respectful at all times. Embodying the culture of a particular place is a great way to show respect and not create a negative moment should something go wrong with your proposal. 


7. Check if the Services You Need Are Available on the Day

To ensure all services are ready on the day, book in advance. To find the best services, look up Hellotickets, social media pages and reviews. Whether it’s a musician or a photographer you need on that day, research their work as well.


8. Simplicity is King

Keep it simple; sometimes, going all out might actually work against you. Keep it natural. It would help to ensure your proposal blends with your destination. Avoid a place where you need to add a lot of props. If you aren't sure of what to do, consult the professionals. Professionals such as Hellotickets specialize in managing any type of problem that you could find when planning your destination. They also assist with booking tickets at the lowest prices. 


9. Wait Till The Last Night

Waiting until the last day makes it even more memorable. It also adds an element of suspense and surprise and will add extra excitement to the trip. Your partner will also be surprised by how well you managed to keep the secret from them for so long.


10. Take Some Pictures

Proposals are just as important as the wedding day. Make sure you capture all the important moments. Hire a photographer to capture every moment or do a DIY by setting up a camera on a tripod stand. You could also opt for a video; this is a great way to relive the moment.


Unique Proposal Destinations To Consider

Here are a few places to consider and help you get started on your journey to a perfect proposal: 

Cliffs of Moher, Ireland

The Cliffs of Moher in Ireland are an intimate place to propose. The cliffs are often covered in mist; this will be a perfect setting for a proposal. It will look like a setting taken out of a storybook. The proposal will have to be early in the morning or late at night to enjoy a private setting. 

Sitka, Alaska

Sitka, Alaska, is an excellent place for a snowy background in your images. You could time your proposal around when phenomena, such as the Northern Lights, happens. 

Hamilton Island, Australia

The white sands, turquoise blue water, and greenery of Hamilton Island in Australia are excellent ways to impress your partner. The nature and breathtaking view will be the perfect background for all those pictures. 

Grotta Palazzese Hotel, Polignano a Mare, Italy 

The Grotta Palazzese Hotel, Polignano a Mare in Italy, is set in a limestone cavern facing the sea. This is a perfect spot for a proposal because of the amazing view. A nighttime proposal would be ideal as the cavern is softly lit, allowing for some of the best images to be captured with these unique features. 

Bioluminescent Beach, Maldives

Apart from being the perfect vacation destination, the Maldives is a great place to fall in love with your partner again. The Bioluminescent Beach has a unique glow at night, which can be the perfect backdrop for your proposal. It's a perfect destination if you’re looking to impress your significant other. The glow at night is created by some organisms in the sea, considered a rare phenomenon.



Remember, the aim is to ensure your partner says yes to your proposal. Making it extra special is one step to getting that yes. Always plan the trip earlier to ensure you book services on time and choose the perfect destination to excite you and your partner.



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